ÉLÉONORE – Agnico Eagle

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Location: Quebec, Canada
Material: Gold Ore
Features: High Volume, Superior Abrasion Resistance, Excellent Cut/Gouge Resistance
Specifications: 3,000 ft x 36-48" 600 PIW 3-Ply (EP1050/3) 10+4 D6-Grade 2,000 ft x 72" 1440 PIW 4-Ply (EP2520/4) 12+6 D6-Grade
Industry: Mining
Conveyor: Ramp, Mill

The Éléonore Mine started to produce doré gold in October of 2014. Production in 2015 was 268,100 ounces of gold and 1.39 million metric tons of ore. Mine ore production is expected to increase from 3,800 metric tons per day in 2015 to the design plant capacity of 7,000 metric tons per day in 2018.

In 2013, the mine installed 9,800 ft of 3 and 4-ply ENDURAPLY and ENDURALON belting of various widths.

ENDURAPLY is designed for the heaviest mining applications. A polyester-nylon Crowfoot weave belt with high strength double cord weft ensures unequaled impact, puncture and rip protection in textile belting. The heaviest warp and weft strength in the industry assures low stretch and trouble-free reliability, and specially compunded high quality rubber skims provide superior shock absorption and high adhesive strength.

ENDURALON is designed with a full traditional carcass gauge and will handle all aggregates and mining products up to and including 8″. It offers excellent load support, impact and stretch characteristics, as well as excellent reliability and economy for all but the most severe applications.
