Oyu Tolgoi is a massive porphyry copper-gold deposit under development in Mongolia now operated by Rio Tinto. With estimated reserves of 2.7 million tonnes of copper and 1.7 million ounces of gold, the mine stands to generate up to a third of Mongolia’s GDP.
In 2011, the mine purchased 1,000 ft of ENURAPLY and ENDURASTEEL belting for their Pebble and Concentrate Feeders.
The 86″ wide ENDURASTEEL feeder belts are designed to offer excellent flexibility around pulleys even at the highest tensions. ENDURASTEEL belts adhere to the strict German DIN standards for design and manufacturing. Additional combinations of cord diameter and pitch are available to meet special project requirements.
ENDURAPLY is designed for the heaviest mining applications. A polyester-nylon Crowfoot weave belt with high strength double cord weft ensures unequaled impact, puncture, and rip protection in textile belting. The heaviest warp and weft strength in the industry assures low stretch and trouble-free reliability, and specially compounded high quality rubber skims provide superior shock absorption and high adhesive strength.